
Mr Singh co-ordinates the First Day Response system for following up absences. Where contact cannot be made by telephone, home visits will be carried out by two members of staff. Please ensure you contact school as soon as possible to report any absences and ensure your child returns to school as soon as possible.

We expect all children to have good or better attendance (96% or higher) and arrive on time at the start of the day.

We are unable to authorise any term-time holidays. These will be recorded as an unauthorised absence on your child’s attendance record and Penalty Notices will be issued.

At the start of each new school year, we take the opportunity to remind parents/carers of the importance of all children benefiting from regular school attendance.  We would like to work closely with you to ensure that every child is successful, through continuity of learning, and is able to achieve their full potential at our school. 

A key part of our attendance strategy will be to effectively monitor and address patterns of school attendance through our ‘Traffic Light’ Attendance approach.  Parents/ carers will be in receipt of a coloured letter informing them of their child’s ‘Attendance Zone’ at the end of each school half-term.  The table below explains the different attendance categories: 

Lessons start promptly at 9.00am and if your child arrives at school after 9.00am (without prior arrangements having been agreed) they will be marked late.  Arrival at school after 9.00am, or through the office will be marked as a late mark and could be recorded as an unauthorised absence.

Should you wish to discuss your child’s attendance with us, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher. 

Poor or irregular attendance and/or persistent lateness will result in a referral and a Penalty Notice will be issued.

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