
Just as children are laying the foundations for a life of learning and rich experience, they are also taking early steps towards a healthy mind and body. This is where food plays an essential role.

Children have the choice of a school meal, packed lunch or home dinners. Please ensure that packed lunches are brought to school in a clearly named sandwich box/bag. For health and safety reasons glass bottles are not permitted. The school provides supervised facilities in the School Hall for children to eat their packed lunches.

School meals currently cost £2.55 per day and £12.75 per week. They are served in our School Hall from 12 noon onwards. Dinner money should be paid every Monday using the ParentPay service.

If there is a change of dinnertime arrangements, from packed lunch to school dinner or school dinner to packed lunch, please give the school at least one week’s notice. 

We offer a choice of meals that meet the National Nutritional Standards. If your child has any specific dietary requirement or allergy, please contact us to arrange a meeting with our kitchen manager to discuss how we can work with you to provide your child a meal.

                              Click here to see our new 3 week rotaional menu

Free School Meals

To find out if you are entitled to Free School Meals click here where you will find the online application form..

If your child is in full time education, and you receive one or more of the benefits to qualify, please fill in an application form even if  your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 and is already receiving Universal Free Meals.  This is because they are also entitled to things like free milk.

If you are successful with the application, your child’s school receives additional money to be able to provide extra things. This is called the pupil premium (See General Information- pupil premium to see how this money is used).

Packed Lunches

The content of lunchboxes must meet minimum food and nutrition standards for school meals. 

Children’s packed lunches should include items from the 5 main food groups: 

  • 1) Bread, Rice, Potatoes, Pasta. 
  • 2) Fruit and Vegetables. 
  • 3) Milk and Dairy foods. 
  • 4) Meat, Fish, Eggs, Beans. 
  • 5) Drinks: water, milk, unsweetened fruit juice, fruit smoothies 

Please support us by not including these items in a packed lunch frequently – always ensure that your child has a balanced nutritional meal: 

  • Fruit Shoots 
  • Sweets 
  • Chocolate bars 
  • Crisps 
  • Cake bars, such as the Mr Kipling double packs 
  • Biscuits 

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